Lactose is an important ingredient for the pharmaceutical industry. It is a white, naturally occurring non-hygroscopic sugar and is available in various milled, sieved and crystalline forms. Lactose is virtually inert and therefore compatible with a wide range of pharmaceutically active substances making it the ideal excipient in many applications. Each application requires its own specific functionality of lactose.

Shanghai Honest offers lactose products for the following applications:
HT-1 (milled / sieved): wet granulation,capsules and sachets.
HT-2 (anhydrous and spray-dried): Direct compression.
HT-3: Dry Powder Inhalation.

About HT-1
We offer a wide range of products for wet granulation applications
HT-1 is an alpha monohydrate lactose and is available in sieved and milled forms. HT-1 sieved and milled are both available in different particle size distributions, ranging from coarse to very fine material.
Sieved HT-1 products have very good flowability and can therefore be used for the filling of capsules and sachets. These products are also suitable as diluents for direct compression. The finer crystal types are suitable for pelletization.

About HT-2
HT-2 is available in two forms; spray-dried and anhydrous lactose. Both forms have good flowability and excellent compactibility characteristics, making these products ideal for direct compression tabletting. HT-2 is also suitable for applications that require only excellent flowability.
HT-2® Anhydrous
Anhydrous lactose is characterised by superior dissolution and binding properties. It is especially useful for moisture sensitive actives or formulations for direct compression tabletting.
HT-2® Spray-dried
HT-2 spray-dried is produced by spray-drying a suspension of small crystals of lactose monohydrate. It contains up to 15% amorphous lactose, which contributes to the excellent tabletting properties.HT-2 spray-dried consists mainly of spherical particles, resulting in very good flow properties.

About HT-3
HT-3 pharmaceutical lactose is especially developed for Dry Powder Inhaler applications, and is produced to meet the specific requirements of each customer.
Our HT-3® complies with the latest version of USP/NF, EP and JP. A DMF file is available to support registration of a new formulation in the U.S.


CopyRight:Shanghai Honest Chem Co.,Ltd.